Thursday, 4 September 2014

Introducing Personal Hygiene Box Project

Personal hygiene involves routine activities that ensure cleanliness and prevention of dirt and germs that cause illness. It includes complete care for the mouth, nose, hands, ear, hair, skin and feet.

Your hands for instance are very important and active part of your body that makes contact with people and things around. As such the hand needs proper care to prevent accumulation of dirt and germs that causes diseases and infection.

The need for personal hygiene ranges from children, adolescent and adult. Certain items are required to ensure every one maintain a good hygiene. This brought about the big idea I call ‘Personal Hygiene Box’; a collection of basic items require to maintaining daily good hygiene all in a box.

The impact of Personal Hygiene Box as a brand on an average entrepreneur and to the society at large is enormous.

It helps to promote good personal hygiene
It helps to reduce spread of germs that cause illness
It creates jobs and reduces unemployment
It improve trade, especially the items included in the Personal Hygiene Box
It is universal and can be replicated in any part of the world
It is not capital intensive
Any one and every one can venture into it because it does not require any specialize skills
It promote chain of trade relationship as all the items used are source for locally

The Personal Hygiene Box, include but not limited to the following items;

Tooth brush and floride paste (for oral hygiene)
Cotton bud (for ear hygiene)
Hair shampoo, cream and comb (hair hygiene)
Anti bacteria bathing soap and sponge (for skin hygiene)
Feet scrubbing stone and nail cutter
Liquid antiseptic
Handkerchief and soft tissue
Body cream and hand sanitizer

For adolescent and adult, additional items are included in the box because this stage of growth comes with physiological changes in the body that require special attention.

Shaving stick
Sanitary towel

An entrepreneur can start this health base enterprise with an average capital of $100 and it will cost about $10 for each ‘PHB’. You need to source for the item that makes up the Personal Hygiene Box, customize/brand the box or bag, package neatly and sell at a fixed price with some margin.

The personal Hygiene Box can be sold to the public at wholesale prices in the market, hospital, big stores and supermarket for easy accessibility. The enterprise can also be home base and online sale is possible. Private sector, government and non government organization can partner with the entrepreneur to get the ‘PHB’ to the inner cities and street corners for free distribution to people who are most affected and struggling with poor hygiene.  

If households, companies, hospitals, schools and organizations have provision for ‘First Aid Box’, I believe ‘Personal Hygiene Box’ should be introduced and generally accepted.

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